Lukas Muller, lic. phil., Zurich
psychotherapist FSP and social worker
- federally recognized psychotherapist (2013)
- psychotherapist of the supplementary insurances of Swiss health insurers (2000)
- Zurich and Aargau practice licenses (2015 & 2000)
- psychotherapist FSP (2000)
- person-centered psychotherapist SGGT / PCA (1999)
- lic. phil.-I-diploma. University of Zurich (1983)
· clinical psychology · psychopathology (updated 2013) · folkloristics - Swiss federal Matura, modern foreign languages: English, Italian, French (1977)
- Swiss federation of psychologists FSP
- Swiss society for the person-centered approach PCA
- Association of Eastern Swiss Psychologists (OSPP)
- The Focusing Institute
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